Sample Schedule

Free play & Art


Circle Time

Snack & Story

Music & Movement



Sample Schedule


Circle time & morning lesson

Free play


Art or music & movement

Show & Tell, Story time



Sample Schedule

morning work & free play

Circle Time & morning lesson

Art or music & movement



Show & tell, Story time



Preschool Class

Monday-Friday, 9:15am-12:00pm

Children in our Twos program participate in exciting aspects of a typical preschool day including circle time, story, art experiences, snack, playground, and play in the classroom.

Our Twos room is designed to stimulate exploration and encourage hands on learning. Areas of play include a sensory table, indoor wooden play set, puzzles, an easel and an art center.

The emphasis of the Twos program is to support children as they develop confidence in separating from their caregivers and acclimating to a school setting for the first time. Our Twos teachers provide a loving and nurturing environment rich with many engaging activities and materials. 

Children must be two by December 1st of the year enrolled.



Preschool Class

Monday-Friday, 8:45am-11:30am

Our students in the Threes program continue to develop self-confidence in the school setting. Children learn to transition between activities, follow classroom routines and begin to develop friendships through interactive play.

Our Threes program curriculum is rich in social, emotional and academic skill building. Through play, students learn about sharing, listening, inclusivity and patience. They simultaneously learn how to become more independent as well a contributing member of the classroom community. Within thematic lessons the children are also exposed to letters, numbers, patterns, opposites, rhyming, shapes, and colors. 

Children must be three by December 1st of the year enrolled. Children must be potty trained for this class.



Preschool Class

Monday-Friday, 9:00am-11:45am

Our Fours program provides kindergarten readiness through a thematic curriculum full of age-appropriate activities that prepare our students for elementary school.

The children are immersed in the alphabet, the sounds they make and how they are written. Students are supported as they develop pre math, reading, and science skills through exciting hands-on experiences.

Through dramatic play, art, and music students continue to develop fine and large motor skills as well as important social skills, community awareness, and friendships.

Children must be four by December 1st of the year enrolled. Children must be potty trained for this class.